Welcome to SolarNews​! This week with Michael Cantellano is going over the future of solar energy in California and what we can do to save it. Please help us and join the fight at savecaliforniasolar.org.

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California Solar Tax Credit

Solar Incentives for California Because California has a ton of incentives, it’s one of the best states for homeowners to go solar. California’s climate is also one of the sunniest places on earth, so it’s no surprise that we lead the country for solar power...

Do Solar Panels Increase Your Property Value?

The popularity of solar panels is increasing and whether or not solar panels increase the value of a home is a question we get often here at Bright Solar Power California. The initial costs of going solar can be pretty intense if you’re considering purchasing the...

Solar Panel Orientation Efficiency

The amount that your roof direction will affect the efficiency of your solar panels relies both on the direction (known as the Azimuth angle) of your roof as well as the slope (also called pitch) of your roof. It’s important, when you invest in rooftop solar panels,...

The Truth About Roof Damage and Solar Panels

     One of the biggest questions homeowners have when debating whether to install solar panels or not is will my roof be safe? The idea of holes being drilled into your roof can be scary! The process isn’t as brutal as it seems, though, and as long as the person...

Why Go Solar?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Power  The sun is an extremely viable source of energy. With us earthlings just being able to collect a fraction of its energy, it still has the potential to meet all of our energy needs. Not to mention, harnessing the sun’s power...

Does Solar Cause Roof Damage?

     Concerned about the damage that can happen when installing solar panels? We've got your back! Michael Cantellano goes through all the ins and outs of installing your Bright Solar Power California solar array to answer any and all questions or concerns you might...
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